Our innovative Automated Tank Cathodic Protection Monitoring (ATM) System is designed to collect structure-to-electrolyte potentials automatically at designated locations along the X & Y axes while interrupting an embedded coupon to simulate the actual structure polarization. Following are the significant benefits of utilizing the ATM system.
All safety concerns associated with monitoring and collecting cathodic protection system data will be eliminated. Technicians will no longer be required to climb ladders and stairwells to collect data from the tank and reservoir roofs. Fall protection, ladder safety, and tripping hazards are not a concern as data can be transmitted remotely or retrieved from the unit's onboard data storage.
The automated data collection unit moves the reference electrode horizontally and vertically within the tank, enabling the creation of a complete potential profile along the entire height of the submerged walls and along the entire length of the submerged floor. The reference electrode is properly stored out of the liquid medium, avoiding potential contamination issues associated with permanently installed reference electrodes.
The system employs a coupon that is in close proximity to the reference electrode and will move concurrently with the reference electrode. The coupon is made of the same material as the metallic surfaces within the tank and will represent the uncoated condition/coating damage of the metallic tank surfaces. The corrosion coupon will provide a worst-case scenario for each measurement enabling a more accurate depiction of the level of protection.
The data collection unit will be connected to a programmable, external control unit that enables the user to program the schedule, movements, interruption, and means of data collection/transfer. The programming features enable the user to generate repeatable data collection at the desired time schedule.